In the same vein that modern workplaces embrace a diversity of workstyles, the five star Green Star rated Western Sydney University (WSU) campus known as One Parramatta Square facilitates a wide diversity of learning styles.

Situated in the heart of the Parramatta CBD, 1PSQ offers a vertical learning environment designed to foster interaction and collaboration to breakdown traditional campus hierarchies. The interiors concept was developed by Woods Bagot to blur the lines between a traditional commercial office tower and a functional university campus.
Modular seating systems,Twig and Prisma by Derlot Editions allow for opportunities for students and educators to co-mingle and interact. Alan Duffy, Woods Bagot’s regional education sector leader said, “responding to a non-faculty brief allowed us to test the blend between formal and informal learning spaces. Our design outcome is a flexible, adaptive vertical campus environment that encourages learning through conversation.”
Client: Western Sydney University
Location: Sydney
Products: Prisma, Twig
Designer: Woods Bagot
Photo: Nicole England