This beam-mounted seat has a folding system that consists of the seat turning and the backrest moving forward until both are lying completely flat against each other. Once the seat is folded, the depth is only 20cm, which enables maximum optimisation of space.
The folding mechanism has a Controlled Soft Rise Technology System (CSRT) that avoids noise or blows when the seat is unoccupied. The folding relies on gravity, achieving high durability and minimal maintenance.
The seat is composed of upholstered open-cell polyurethane foam, easily interchangeable, attached to a 13 cm-thick beech plywood shell varnished.
At the back of the seat, a beech board acts as backrest and seat protector.
The armrests are made of beech wood, swivelling in a synchronised way with the motion of folding the backrest and seat.
- When folded, the seat occupies only 20 cm. - Available in modules of 2, 3 or 4 seats. - Curved rows are possible. - Fire standards: complies with international regulations.
For more information, please download the Minispace 5067 Seating Dimensions from the Attachments section.
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